Thursday, November 17, 2011

Education Article

I found this article online and I thought it would be good to share because it shines a light onto one of the many problems that hinder the relationship between teachers, students and the learning process. You can find it here

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Dangers of Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials are really fun but be careful about editing the original photo too much. Check out this video

Alex Ross!

An artist who draws inspiration from comic books! How cool is that! Check out his website here

Diane Arbus

Check out this video by Diane Arbus' daughter :)

Cyanotype Process

Since we were talking about it in class, I thought it would be cool to look up the process online! Check out this video and this website that explains the history and process! This guy is really cool, look at his cyanotype!

Check out these museum websites!

First Day of Class

Welcome to Mrs. B's Art Classroom! I teach high school art and this blog is a tool that my class will use in the future to organize important web links, access assignments, and share ideas about art!

You can read more about my classroom and my teaching style under the Profile page.

And since art is all about visual dialogue, here's an oil painting to get your brain flowing!

Madeleine Knox by Harold Gilman